Felicello Law recognized by Chambers USA as leading small law firm

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  • Felicello Law recognized by Chambers USA as leading small law firm

NEW YORK, Nov. 15, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Felicello Law was selected to the inaugural Chambers USA Regional Spotlight: New York and recognized as a leading small- or mid-sized firm offering an effective and efficient alternative to Big Law. The firm is one of 37 New York City based firms to be honored for its Dispute Resolution work in state and federal trial and appellate courts, as well as arbitration and arbitration award enforcement. Chambers Regional Spotlight rankings were awarded to only 105 firms in New York State. The list is designed to highlight small to medium sized law firms “who deliver specialized support to in-house counsel needs.”

“We are pleased to be included in the Chamber and Partners inaugural New York Regional Spotlight list,” said Rosanne E. Felicello, the firm’s managing partner. “This honor recognizes the ability of our talented team to provide our clients with high quality, personalized service on important, complex matters, without the price tag of Big Law. We work hard to achieve our clients’ business objectives, earn their trust, and deliver results.” “We are proud to be recognized by Chambers in the company of other firms with great reputations for quality work and client advocacy,” added Kristie M. Blase. “We are pleased that Chambers has recognized the quality and value of our work,” said Michael J. Maloney.

Felicello Law was selected based on Chambers’s independent and in-depth market analysis, coupled with an assessment of Felicello Law’s experience, expertise, and caliber of attorney talent. The full listing can be found on chambers.com. James Haggerty, Head of USA Research, explains that Chambers is “delighted to endorse the comprehensive services and high-quality work on offer at these New York spotlight firms. Our new listings provide enhanced recognition to talented counsel across the state and provide GCs with more options for great counsel when it matters.”

Felicello Law is a boutique, majority woman-owned law firm with partners admitted in New York, Massachusetts, and Texas and numerous federal courts across the US. The firm’s team reflects gender, cultural, educational, and language diversity to generate innovative solutions for clients. Felicello Law practices in multiple industries, including financial services, fashion, professional services, securities litigation, and commercial real estate, and practice areas, including complex commercial litigation, arbitration, mediation, and corporate. Visit www.felicellolaw.com to learn more about our firm.

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